A Warrior Being VulnerableAs I reflect back over this lifetime, I see how we've evolved as a collective, and I believe we are making great progress towards healing....
What If Your Not Falling ApartOver the last several years (a good solid, on and off again, 7) it has felt as if we've been falling apart. what if you've actually been...
Story of the ShiftI had the blessed privilege of being a guest on a dynamic podcast with the fantabulous host, Audrey Groeschel with Women Are The Journey....
Got Your Judgy Pants On?For countless years (I mean this figuratively as well as literally) we’ve been a society of humans that vacillate with this one little...
Being An Empath In An Over-Stimulated WorldFor those that identify as an Empath you’ll completely understand and relate to this article. For many others you may never have heard of...